Leveling the Ground: Practicing Forgiveness and Reconciliation Seminar

CraigBlog, Events

“Despite the centrality of forgiveness for the Gospel, there is a lot of confusion about what it really means to forgive, and the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation. This short seminar will explore the basics of what the Bible teaches about forgiveness and how that often differs from popular ideas of forgiveness. We will also explore ways to better practice forgiveness and reconciliation as Christians in our churches, homes,  neighborhoods, and workplaces.”

January 31st from 2-6pm
Westwood Church Learning Centre

dguretzk2i_1Presenter: David Guretzki, PhD is Professor of Theology, Church,  & Public Life and Dean of the Seminary at Briercrest College & Seminary where he has served since 1993. David has been teaching and researching on forgiveness and reconciliation since the late 1990’s. He teaches a seminary course on the topic and has been presenting seminars in churches across Canada for the last decade. He is married to Maureen and has three teenagers in the house!

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